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Sedecal X Ray Manual: Best Practices and Safety Precautions for Working with High-Frequency X-ray Ge


Single layer, square field, manual collimation system with a lightweight and compact design intended for installation on mobile X-ray equipment. This device has been designed and manufactured for skeletal investigations and ER applications.

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Sedecal X Ray Manual

In accordance with the criteria outlined in this book (12) for calculating the HKA angle, we first manually calculated the angle. Three distinct users were given the same set of x-ray images of the lower limb. Using an iPad application called Angle meter version 1.9, they estimated the midpoint of the femur, knee, and ankle and then calculated the HKA angle for each of the provided images. This app has a rating of 4.6 stars on the Apple store; it can measure angles from any image, but in this study, it was used to measure the HKA angle from the stitched x-ray images. 2ff7e9595c

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